Friday, March 2, 2007

Thank You

Last Monday was a very big, very exciting day here for all of us here at Destroy All Evidence because (...drum roll...) we received our first comment! On behalf of Andrea and myself, I’d like to send out a ton of heartfelt thanks and appreciation to OK.NOWwhat, whose lovely words of praise and encouragement completely made our day. And week. And month. Check out her blog, Foma (Mostly), if you have the time – she’s a great, funny writer with loads of interesting things to say, and getting a compliment from a blogger of her caliber is truly an honor.

1 comment:

whatnext said...

Oh, pleeeeeze, Nicole. You are extremely much TOOOOO kind. You realize, of course, that there are some people who, after reading my blog, will either have a stroke or declare a fatwah on my heathen head.

Write on!