Friday, June 1, 2007

Change of Heart

By now, you have probably learned a few things about me, things like how I am heartily entertained by gratuitous violence on television and how I’m into very sad, very depressing novels. And, since starting this blog, I’ve learned something about me too: I don’t really know how to blog. And also, I don’t think I’m a very good blogger. For one thing, I don’t post very often, and really, that’s probably rule number one in the blogger’s manual. That’s another thing: I have never actually read the blogger’s manual, which is just another facet of my blog laziness. I think the main reason that I have a hard time keeping up here is that I try to make every post great, which is not to say that I think every post I write is great, but to admit that I feel weird sending things out into the Internets without them being the very best that I think they can be, because after all, they are a representation of who I am. It’s like with clothes: When you want to make a good impression, you put on your spiffiest, sharpest looking attire. The problem with that is, after a while, it becomes taxing. It’s like a chore, especially for me, because I don’t wear smart little outfits. I wear jeans. And if I’m going out – fancy jeans. Because that’s who I am. I’m just casual that way. And by approaching my blog the way I have been thus far, it feels like I’m wearing my fancy clothes all the time, and I know in my heart that it’s not as fun as it could be. So, from now on, I think I’ll take a more relaxed approach to Destroy All Evidence, one that lets me be the truest version of myself (jeans) and makes it enjoyable for me to share my thoughts and experiences with you, my blog buddies. I hope you stick around while I work this thing out.

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