Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Finally, 3 Things: April

Forgive me. I forgot I had a blog there for a minute. I’m not crazy (well, maybe I’m crazy like a fox, but that’s a different story), just busy. Anyway, I’m back with a new post now, the much-delayed “3 Things,” April edition. Enjoy! And if you don’t, I don’t want to hear about it : )

1. Fleetwood Mac, Rumours
One recent obsession of mine has been the VH1 Classic channel. For a long time, whenever I was channel surfing, I would buzz right by this station, mostly because on our satellite it’s grouped with a bunch of other crappy music channels that I really have no interest in (unless I’m watching "Engaged and Underage," but that goes without saying). I would still be buzzing by it had “Classic Albums: Fleetwood Mac” not caught my eye mid-browse. There is something you should know about me: I love Fleetwood Mac, and have for a long, long time. I’m a Fleetwood Mac junkie (as opposed to the members of Fleetwood Mac, who were actual junkies). I love the music and I love all the convoluted, overly dramatic, tempestuous relationship crap that went on (and still goes on) behind it all. Plus, if I could trade lives with anyone in the world, it would almost certainly be Stevie Nicks, not only so that I could wear her awesome clothes and sing with her beautiful voice, but also because she’s just about the coolest chick ever. She’s a little witchy and that freaks me out but in a good way. And if the life trading is possible, I think time travel should also be doable, so I would trade lives with her in the 1970s, mainly because I would want to get it on with Lindsey Buckingham when he was still hot, and have immediate access to a lot of coke. Whoo, not unlike Pam on “The Office,” I am saying a lot of things…so back to the topic at hand, Rumours. This is, hands down, the best Fleetwood Mac album of all time, and maybe the best album of its time. At the time it was recorded, Lindsey and Stevie were breaking up, as were John and Christine, and Mick was getting divorced. I think they all pretty much hated each other during the year it took them to record Rumours, but some intense, gorgeous music came out of those sessions (definitely check out “I Don’t Want to Know” - it’s not often remembered as one of Fleetwood Mac’s greatest songs, but it’s fantastic). I have but one problem with this album: How did “Silver Springs” not make the final cut but “Oh Daddy” did? This glaring oversight, along with Bjork, her music and her fashion choices, is something I will never, ever understand. It’s still an incredible album though, and it was numero uno in my music rotation for all of April.

2. Headbands
My hair is curly, frizzy, and generally unmanageable. Couple that with the fact that I like to invest little or no time in my everyday appearance, and it’s pretty much a recipe for disaster. To make matters worse, no matter what combo of products I use, I always wake up looking like a cracked out Don King. I could blame genetics (and why shouldn’t I? I blame them for pretty much everything else.), or the fact that I sleep like a madwoman, all twisty and turny. Whatever the reason, I always thought that I was destined to forever have a somewhat frazzled daytime look - until I discovered the miracle that is the headband. Hear me now: I love headbands. In style or out, it makes no difference to me. Elastic, metal, silk, patent leather, plastic – I couldn’t care less what they’re made of, bring ‘em all on. If hairstyling were like Scientology, instead of Xenu, its disciples would be worshipping the headband. With minimal effort, I can create a couple of really cute looks. Pull the hair into a low ponytail, slap on a headband, and you’ve got a simple, businesslike look. Tuck the hair up into a high bun and cap it off with a headband – voila! Instant princess. I look finished and put together without even really trying. And that is a beautiful thing.

3. The Best Fan in the World
No, I’m not talking about you, OK.NOWwhat (though I do very much enjoy your comments and appreciate your continued readership). I’m talking about the Seville UltraSlimline Fan. This is, quite simply put, the best fan in the world. Put it to you this way: If fans were like Scientology, instead of Xenu, their disciples would worship the Seville UltraSlimline. I don’t even know where to start when singing the praises of this magic machine. I just know that its tall, thin design is easy to store when it’s cold (read: anytime it’s below 75 degrees), its three “natural breeze” settings rock my world, it’s freakishly quiet even on its highest speed, and its remote control caters to all my lazy tendencies. An added bonus: It comes with a 12-inch personal fan as well! In my house, that fan belongs to the dog, Maverick. That hound is definitely the rock star of the family, so it seemed only fitting that he should get his own mini PF. And you should get one too, because if you’re reading this, you’re for sure regarded as a rock star here at Destroy All Evidence.

I hope your April was filled with great stuff like mine was. Check back in a few days when I'll be posting about a wedding I went to last weekend. Oh, the fun we shall have!

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